
"Personal musing inspired by past and ongoing experiences of my life…depicting how I feel and what comes hereafter. However it may also revolves around my personal whishes, hopes and beliefs which I often in doubt and wondering... what is the meaning of life.."

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Friday, September 6, 2019

Tan Sri Zetty Aziz: Kena tahu apa yang kita hendak dalam hidup...


Digizodiac: Your father Professor Ungku Aziz is one of the worlds leading intellectuals. Is that how you got into academia in your early career?

ZETI: My father is a development economist. His early work focused on poverty eradication and rural development. He was also an educationist with more than 20 years heading the main university in Malaysia. I was, however, never really drawn to academia. My first job was as a research economist with a regional organization that was established for central banks in the Asian region, the SEACEN Centre. During my time there, I wrote two volumes on interest rate reform in the Asian region. From the very early stage of my life, my interest was in monetary economies, and soon after graduating school, I knew that I wanted to be a policymaker.
(supaya pendakian kita jadi lebih terurus...)

Contoh yang baik untuk kita develop kehidupan kita...

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