
"Personal musing inspired by past and ongoing experiences of my life…depicting how I feel and what comes hereafter. However it may also revolves around my personal whishes, hopes and beliefs which I often in doubt and wondering... what is the meaning of life.."

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Monday, August 26, 2024

A spouse's love is stronger than dead...

Last night I received a message from mom (wasp). Mom told me she misses my dad a lot. She wakes up at 3 am, and read Surah Yassin. Mom recited Surah Yassin while crying.

I was at an impasse for words, so I didn't respond. I just paid attention.

Maybe my mother really misses my father, her husband. She appears calm in front of her children, but she is in turmoil inside. The memories must be the source of sadness...

Ayah orang yang paling lama hidup dengan mak, orang paling lama berada depan mata mak melebihi ibubapa sendiri. (Ibubapa kita pun tidak selama itu mereka berada dengan kita. Apabila dewasa kita terbang)

Mom and Dad were together for over sixty years, exactly fifty-seven.

Husbands and children are like loans from God, my mother used to say. The loan that He can the back whenever he wants. Our children and spouse do not belong to us entirely...

P/S: Only love can hurt like this... 

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